Easy Keto

Why Keto?

There are many different diet plans out there today. Many of those claims help you lose weight fast. They will have you eating a low-fat diet that does not help you lose weight.

If you eat a low-fat diet with high carbs, your body is just feeding off of glucose from those high carbs. You are going to feel hungry more often and not be able to lose weight. The keto diet encourages you to eat healthy fats.

Along with a lot of protein, you avoid carbs that get burned out by your body. The keto diet will cause your body to feed off all your fat cells.

If you are struggling to lose weight, consider trying these recipes and going on the keto diet today.

1. Salad in a Jar

If you want to make a quick and easy that you can make under 10 minutes, the salad in a jar is a perfect choice. All you will need is your salad ingredients and a jar.

You will want to make sure the stack the ingredients so that your dressing comes out on top and your lettuce does not wilt.

2. Smoked Salmon and Avocado Plate

A great 10-minute recipe is to do a smoked salmon and avocado plate. This will require you to have smoked salmon on hand, but anybody on the keto diet should have this in the refrigerator at all times.

Smoked salmon makes for a great snack all day.

3. Fried Egg and Bacon Bowl

The fried egg and bacon bowl is perfect under a 10-minute recipe that can fill you up, and it tastes great.

4. California Wrap

The California wrap is a great choice for lunch or dinner. This wrap is very tasty and can be prepared in under 10 minutes.

5. Easy Egg Tacos

Easy egg tacos are a delicious treat that makes for a great dinner. These are loaded with healthy eggs and cheese to help you get good healthy fats.

6. Cucumber Salmon Salad Bites

If you want something quick and easy, cucumber salmon salad bites are for you. This easy meal makes a great snack, or it can be a full dinner.

7. Chayote Salad

Chayote is a great squash that is low carb and delicious. This salad will fill you up and help you to maintain the keto diet.

8. 2 Step Chia Yogurt

This chia yogurt makes for a perfect snack or even breakfast. Chia seeds are extremely beneficial to your health and can help you to lose weight quickly.

This a great choice when you are craving something sweet.

9. Pesto Cilantro dip

If you are looking for a yummy vegetable dip to eat while on the keto diet, look no further than the pesto cilantro dip.

This dip can be created in under 10 minutes and is a great choice for dipping your low-carb veggies.

10. Deviled Egg Stuffed Avocado

If you love deviled eggs and you love avocado, this is the recipe for you.

This recipe combines avocado and eggs along with cream cheese and yogurt to create a delicious stuffed avocado that you will not be able to put down.


These recipes are great if you want a quick 10-minute meal. Some of these recipes can be made days beforehand so that you can take them to work or have a prepared meal on days that you will be busy.

Consider creating a meal plan where you can add these recipes each day of the week. Remember that many of these recipes are interchangeable, and you can add things or take things away.

Take your time and figure out which recipes will work for you for your keto diet.
